
Sunday, July 1, 2012

The space

I live in a box made of concrete and glass:
the monotonous rhythm of my professionalism
and the wearing structure of my lively routine

With the same preoccupations, the advancements,
the learning: my marriage to life  which spins 
and demands, recedes and rewards.

The money that is due, the tax yet unpaid,
the distance to others, the miles to traverse:
a simple awareness tear down into threads.

Through tearing and mending I sometimes chance, 
upon that smallest space, made of concrete and glass,
that suddenly acquires the tones of fulfillment, 

the luxury of wilderness, and the expanding dimensions
of a thin atmosphere. And here I am welcomed
to nurture and imagine all the possibilities.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


The train of possibilities

ran its course

as you looked at me intently

from across the door

Monday, April 2, 2012

we run

the ambition when we
started the race; the gallops and
one more breath; escaped

and we felt young again
pushing the threshold
of an imaginary battle

against an unreachable sunset
that tainted; in red the salty droplet
smashing against; the gravel

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Unknowingly you woke up this morning to 
the instant in which spring conquered the darkness

that accompanied you every morning out
of bed. The abstracting silence of the night

replaced by the symphonic call of the  first migrating geese:
passengers  of the unpredictable railway of the seasons.

In their shed white feathers you read about their 
tired flight, and in the way they stuck together, as the 

wind gently swept them into the ancient willow, you smelled the 
perspiring fusion of devoted and monogamous love. 

In their broken symmetry you tasted  the precipitated escapade 
from the furious predator of isolation. And in their silent

repose on the cold waters of the river you admired  a wise
sense of accomplishment after a winter of victories and 

defeats. The sun now embraced their tired flight as you 
were caught prisoner of the crisp realization that 

all your life had been a preparation for the next step you 
were about to take into the confines of a spring of awareness

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

In Este

In Este the vineyards wept under the expanding
fog. Her empty eyes stared at me and
in their reverberating darkness I was trapped as
her spirit formed aged velvet crystals in my glass.

Violins scented of spring and a tiny droplet from her
barefooted dance inundated the morning breeze.
My foot stamped the gravel as a thinly crusted air
forced its way into my soul. Then

life evolved from her humid smile and from
her ancient throne she guided the perennial path
of yellow in the automn while day and

night her people gather under bread of moon
and salt of stars, pulling forward into
the simple complexity of life

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I like the moment when my hand
opens up a window to the unknown

polar winds, a vintage of lifetimes and stories,
now caressing my combusting hand.

For an instant, we are sand: constrained and
docile to the invisibility of our surroundings.

A neon moon brings me in touch with my
most primitive instincts: claiming ownership of

the next wrong step and a turn that is a season too late.
Cha cha cha... Your hands of oak center me in

a forest of penetrating humidity and darkness where
you are trapped in the comforting walls of a

perennial stalactite - robust and fragile - as I
await to surrender to the next morning breeze

Monday, January 30, 2012


Diana speaks to me
musings of breaths in the darkness of seas
as she swims across the Gulf's straight

Defeat awaits her and from the ruins of despair 
she surges victorious, poking through  unmet
expectations with such docile grace

Through the gates of fiction
 Ofelia comes to me, like an allegorical poem 
of Neruda: captivating and sincere

Graves mistakes she committed 
in her journey for redemption: unwise 
youth the marred bride of innocence

How hard it is at times to confront 
the unwalked steps of our journeys,
and to swallow the bitter consequences 
of our most innocent mistakes

Fold outwards! Gain new understanding!
The sisters of unyielding wisdom whisper 
to the attentive defeatist that there is a nobler
and macroscopic side to life's most difficult defats

Sunday, January 15, 2012


What would it have been like
to circle around the smallest 
point of space and time,
that primordial singularity
that held in its embrace,
all at once,
your story and my story,
my tears and your laughs,
our dreams, our lives?

As we implode into the
midsts of this unpalatable darkness,
populating with thin brushstrokes
our own cosmic nothingness,
we undergo a most vivid mitosis
carrying out the incomprehensible
actualization of our smallest selves

And in these private evolutions
we never fail to raise our telescopes
in search of our origins, clamoring for
that  essence when we meshed
 together into the joyful and sorrowful
dance of of friendship

Friday, January 6, 2012


The silence of the future
forcefully opens up to the present's caudal tides.
The offspring of this most elemental union:
the complex tapestry of our past.

Will you remember the exquisite conversation
that once brought youthful optimism to your life?
Or the last laugh as you rolled down  a thunderous
hill on a summer night?
And have you forgotten the lesson that those 
tears of fire solidified on your soul as they became dry?

Life richness is budding on the smallest details
so easily forgotten, so commonly drowned,
and yet invincibly reccurring.
It is as if life resilience's purpose was to 
insure that we depart with at least 
this most simple lesson.

Compartmentalization is forgetfulness's antidote:
The dullest of matrices, may come alive to 
fill up an empty hard drive,
an empty skull,
a hungry heart.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A distant memory

I see you in black and white,
a smear on my screen 
secretly opening up a door
to the unknown universe
that you now inhabit.

I feel astray and distant
from a future,
that never

My remembrances of us are
so unlike the motionless
image flickering on my screen:
constantly metamorphosing,
from perfection to a man
living in the delicate body of
a woman.